What is Discuss The Hearth and Hearthstone?

First post on starting to play Hearthstone.

This blog is about me explaining my thoughts, opinions, and ideas about the game Hearthstone. Here, I will be focusing on parts of the game like strategy, casual play, the state of the game, nerfs, and other posts from the subreddit  r/hearthstone.

However, for today, I’ll talk about what is Hearthstone and a great beginner’s guide.

Hearthstone is a free-to-play, fun, and addictive digital collectible card game made by the game company “Blizzard Entertainment.” In it, players create decks constructed of 30 cards with a chosen class out of the nine total tied to the deck. In the deck, you can put in cards from the neutral selection, or class specific cards that range in effects and mana costs Players can then select from a series of game modes to play and queue into for a 1v1 experience.

At the start of a game, each player starts of that 30 health and the goal is to reduce the opponent’s health to 0 and keep yourself alive. Each player starts off with 1 mana crystal, which are used to play cards. At the start of each turn, the player refreshes their mana, gains an additional mana to spend (up to 10 mana), and draws a card.

Before the mana is given, however, each player separately draws three cards from their deck and can choose to mulligan, or reshuffle the selected card and draw another card, their hand. It is at this stage where it is chosen who goes first and second. The player going second gets another card draw in the mulligan stage, meaning they can mulligan it, as well gaining a card called “The Coin.” The coin is a 0 mana spell that grants the caster an additional mana crystal for that turn only.

During a game, a lot of crazy things can happen such as turning a minion into a sheep, getting a legendary cards that didn’t start in your deck, or bursting down your opponent in one turn!

For more information about how to start playing well as a beginner of Hearthstone, I would recommend the series “Trump’s Teachings,” made by professional player, Youtuber, and streamer of the game, TrumpSC or more commonly referred to as just Trump (not related to the current POTUS).


Hearthstone ©Blizzard Entertainment

Trump Teachings ©TrumpSC

I do not own any pictures on on this post.